AgendaCommittee of AdjustmentMunicipality of West Grey402813 Grey Rd 4, RR 2 Durham, ON N0G 1R0Tuesday, March 04, 2025 at 2:00 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.West Grey municipal office, council chambers and virtualThis meeting shall be held in the Municipality of West Grey council chambers. Members of the public may attend in person or electronically via Zoom. To join through your computer (or smartphone with the Zoom app) go to: To phone in and listen live dial +1 647 558 0588 (long-distance charges may apply) When prompted, enter the meeting ID: 891 5626 2480 Accessibility of documents: Documents are available in alternate formats upon request. If you require an accessible format or communication support contact the Clerk's Department by email at or 519-369-2200 to discuss how we can meet your needs.1.Call to order 2.Purpose of meeting 3.Disclosure of pecuniary interest and general nature thereof 4.Approval of minutes 4.1Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment Hearing held on February 4, 2025 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COA_Feb04_2025 - English.pdf5.Application No. B21.2024 - 142239 Grey Road 9 5.1Report from planning staff 1.B21.2024 - Martin and Brubacher (Loft) Revised.pdf2.Public Comments Received.pdf3.Schedule A B21.2024 - Martin and Brubacher (Loft).pdf4.Aerial.pdf5.Grey County OP - Schedule A.pdf6.Grey County OP - Schedule B.pdf7.Grey County OP - Appendix B.pdf8.SVCA Regulated Area.pdf9.West Grey Zoning.pdf5.2Verbal comments 5.2.1Committee members 5.2.2Applicant/Agent and Members of the public 5.3Decision 5.4Next steps 6.Application No. B02.2025 - 311050 Highway 6 6.1Report from planning staff 1.B02.2025 - 2505286 Ont Inc (Deverell and Lemaich)(1).pdf2.PLAN 16R-10661(1).pdf3.Aerial and Street View(1).pdf4.Grey OP - Schedule A(1).pdf5.West Grey Zoning(2).pdf6.2Verbal comments 6.2.1Committee members 6.2.2Applicant/Agent and Members of the public 6.3Decision 6.4Next steps 7.Application No. B03.2025 and B04.2025 - 521106 Concession 12 NDR 7.1Report from planning staff 1.B03.2025 and B04.2025 - Boerkamp (Davidson).pdf2.Schedule A - Boerkamp (Davidson).pdf3.Aerial(1).pdf4.Grey OP - Schedule A.pdf5.Grey OP - Schedule C.pdf6.Grey OP - Appendix B.pdf7.SVCA Regulated Area(1).pdf8.West Grey Zoning(1).pdf7.2Verbal comments 7.2.1Committee members 7.2.2Applicant/Agent and Members of the public 7.3Decision 7.4Next steps 8.Next meeting 9.Adjournment No Item SelectedAgenda item details popup This item has no attachments.1.B21.2024 - Martin and Brubacher (Loft) Revised.pdf2.Public Comments Received.pdf3.Schedule A B21.2024 - Martin and Brubacher (Loft).pdf4.Aerial.pdf5.Grey County OP - Schedule A.pdf6.Grey County OP - Schedule B.pdf7.Grey County OP - Appendix B.pdf8.SVCA Regulated Area.pdf9.West Grey Zoning.pdf1.B02.2025 - 2505286 Ont Inc (Deverell and Lemaich)(1).pdf2.PLAN 16R-10661(1).pdf3.Aerial and Street View(1).pdf4.Grey OP - Schedule A(1).pdf5.West Grey Zoning(2).pdf1.B03.2025 and B04.2025 - Boerkamp (Davidson).pdf2.Schedule A - Boerkamp (Davidson).pdf3.Aerial(1).pdf4.Grey OP - Schedule A.pdf5.Grey OP - Schedule C.pdf6.Grey OP - Appendix B.pdf7.SVCA Regulated Area(1).pdf8.West Grey Zoning(1).pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COA_Feb04_2025 - English.pdf