Committee of the Whole
Municipality of West Grey


Please Note: Cellular phones/pagers must be switched to the non-audible function during this meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    That committee of the whole receive the 2020 Organizational and Compensation Review presentation by Marianne Love, ML Consulting 

  • Recommendation:

    That committee of the whole receive the delegation of Mr. Carter, from Canadian Hemp Farmers Alliance regarding a sustainable development plan 

  • That report Recreation – West Grey Alcohol Policy be received for information; and further,

    That that committee of the whole recommends council adopt the updated West Grey Alcohol Policy; and further,

    That committee of the whole supports staff’s recommendation to leave event licences and special occasion permits status quo.

  • That report West Grey Corporate Communication Strategy and Visual Identity Guide be received; and further

    That committee of the whole recommends council approve the Corporate Communication Strategy and Visual Identity Guide as components of the overall Corporate Communications Policy.

  • That council endorses the recommendation by staff to switch dog tags to a permanent tag system with annual licence fees; and further.

    That council amend by-law number #87-2009 Part II 2.b. to reflect the tag-for-life system.

  • That committee of the whole receives report IPW – West Grey Bridge 17 Concession 4 NDR Status Report for consideration; and, further

    That committee of the whole recommends that council approves a budget adjustment to rehabilitate bridge 17 in 2020 by transferring a portion of funds allocated to bridge 46; and further

    That the remaining 2020 budget for bridge 46 be used to complete the preliminary work in 2020, with the surplus carried forward to the 2021 budget for bridge 46 allowing it to be “shovel ready” in 2021.

  • Recommendation:

    Resolved that, we do now adjourn at


    *Please note: all times are approximate, and are subject to change.