Council Meeting
Municipality of West Grey
402813 Grey County Rd 4, Durham, ON N0G 1R0

West Grey municipal office, council chambers and virtual

This meeting shall be held in the Municipality of West Grey council chambers. Members of the public may attend in person or electronically via Zoom.

To join through your computer (or smartphone with the Zoom app) go to:

To phone in and listen live dial +1 647 558 0588 (long-distance charges may apply)

When prompted, enter the meeting ID: 891 5626 2480 

Accessibility of documents: Documents are available in alternate formats upon request. If you require an accessible format or communication support contact the Clerk's Department by email at [email protected] or 519-369-2200 to discuss how we can meet your needs.

There are no public meetings.

There are no motions for which notice was previously given.

There is no closed session.

There is no closed session.



"A bylaw to confirm the proceedings of the regular and public meetings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of West Grey."

"A bylaw to provide for the indemnification and defence of current and former employees, members of local boards, and members of Council against loss or liability in certain circumstances arising out of acts or omissions done while acting on behalf of the Corporation."

"A bylaw to amend the Municipality of West Grey Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw No. 37-2006, as amended, as it relates to ZA10.2024."

"A bylaw to designate lands as a site plan control area."

"A bylaw to authorize the conveyance of lands legally described as PT BLK 72 PL 1097 PTS 4, 8, 9 PL 16R-12167; S/T BE 20524; WEST GREY being PIN 37215-0063 PT LT 20 CON 10 NDR PTS 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 PL 16R-12167; PT BLK 66 + 67 PL 1097 PTS 1, 2, 5, 6 PL 16R-12167; S/T BE 20524; WEST GREY being PIN 37216-0052 in the geographic Township of Bentinck to the Canadian Lemkos Association in exchange for Part 1, Part of block 60 PL 1097, PL 16R-12048, being part of PIN 37215-0064 in the geographic Township of Bentinck."

"A bylaw to provide for the delegation of Council’s authority to appoint municipal law enforcement officers."