Committee of Adjustment
Municipality of West Grey
402813 Grey Rd 4, RR 2 Durham, ON N0G 1R0


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  • Recommendation:

    That the committee of adjustment approves the minutes of December 8, 2020, as circulated.

  • Recommendation:

    That committee receives report A07.2020 – DAVIS, Ben and Jasmine (Agent: DOMM Construction) and the planners recommendation that the application be approved.

  • Recommendation:

    That committee of adjustment hereby ________(approves/denies) minor variance application number A07.2020, Davis, for the following reasons:_________.

  • Recommendation:

    That committee receives report B22.2020 and B23.2020 – CULLITON, Aaron and Dalana and the planners recommendation that the application be provisionally approved, subject to the following conditions: payment of any outstanding municipal taxes (if applicable); payment of the zoning by-law amendment application fee; passage of the zoning by-law amendment application; confirmation that appropriate private services are on-site for the proposed detached dwelling units (i.e. well and septic records); payment and receipt of entrance permits for the severed lands (file B22.2020) and the retained lands (file B23.2020); and payment of the $500.00 parkland dedication fee for each parcel created.

  • Recommendation:

    That committee of adjustment hereby __________(approves/denies) severance application numbers B22.2020 and B23.2020, Culliton, for the following reasons/condition _______.

At the call of the chair.

  • Recommendation:

    That committee of adjustment hereby closes this public meeting at _____ p.m.



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