Council Meeting
Municipality of West Grey
402813 Grey County Rd 4, Durham, ON N0G 1R0

West Grey municipal office, council chambers and virtual

This meeting shall be held in the Municipality of West Grey council chambers. Members of the public may attend in person or electronically via Zoom.

To join through your computer (or smartphone with the Zoom app) go to:

To phone in and listen live dial +1 647 558 0588 (long-distance charges may apply)

When prompted, enter the meeting ID: 891 5626 2480 

Accessibility of documents: Documents are available in alternate formats upon request. If you require an accessible format or communication support contact the Clerk's Department by email at [email protected] or 519-369-2200 to discuss how we can meet your needs.

There are no public meetings.

There are no motions for which notice was previously given.

There is no closed session.



"A bylaw to confirm the proceedings of the public and regular meetings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of West Grey."

"A bylaw to amend the Municipality of West Grey Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw No. 37-2006, as amended, as it relates to ZA22.2024."

"A bylaw to amend the Municipality of West Grey Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw No. 37-2006, as amended, as it relates to ZA21.2024."

"A bylaw to adopt the estimates of revenue and expenditures for the year 2025 for the Municipality of West Grey."

"A bylaw to provide interim tax levies for the year 2025 for the Municipality of West Grey."

"A bylaw authorizing the borrowing of money to meet current expenditures of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of West Grey."

"A bylaw to stop up and close a portion of the unopened road allowances on multiple PINS in the geographic town of Durham."

"A bylaw to authorize the sale of lands in the geographic town of Durham to Khanani Developments Inc."

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